Arts and Crafts

DIY Valentines Ribbon Wreath

January 7, 2021

DIY Valentines Ribbon Wreath
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I'm Tristy

I am a corporate banking Senior Vice President with a passion for antiques, crafts, and beautiful interiors. Proud mom of Seth and Lily Lee. 


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It’s a good thing Valentine’s is coming up because when I pull down all the Christmas décor, the house looks really empty. My mom, Joan, keeps all the ribbon off the packages from Christmas, and, over the last several years, she has quite the collection of ribbon. We created a Christmas rag wreath the previous year, and it turned out great. So mom decided she wanted to try a version using the ribbon. 

She went through her ribbon, picking out anything that would work for a Valentine wreath, reds, whites, golds, and silver. We were ready to start our DIY Valentine’s ribbon wreath. 

Project Inspiration:

When I was attending the University of Utah, I got a part-time job at ZCMI as a gift wrapper. I was really excited because I could use the time that I was not wrapping presents to study. When I called my mom, Joan, to tell her about the job, I found out the craziest coincidence my mom had a job when she was first married as a gift wrapper at JC Penny’s. 

We both take pride in the way our Christmas present wrapping, and when you tie bows for your packages, the length of the ribbon varies widely. We always have good intentions of using the ribbons again, but it is difficult to match the cut ribbon to the new packages. This project was the perfect solution to use the ribbon, and I am excited to make one of these for my house.  

Supplies needed:

  • Wire wreath (medium size)
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon: Feel free to use leftover present ribbons. I really like a variety of colors, patterns, and widths.

Note:   For our Valentine’s wreath, we used Red, Pink, White, Silver, Gold ribbons.

How to Create your DIY Valentines Ribbon Wreath:

Steps in creating your wreath:

Creating a ribbon wreath is one of the easiest ways to create a seasonal wreath. You can do this. It is a time-consuming but straightforward process.

  1. Cut your lengths to 9 inches. 
  2. On the outside edge, tie a ribbon in a half knot. 
  3. If you have a limited amount of a single type of ribbon, use it first and space it out throughout the wreath.

Recruit Help:

Lily and Aspen had so much fun helping Grandma Joan. They cut ribbon lengths, took time separating the colors into piles, and consistently selected the next ribbon for Grandma Joan to place. They were so excited to show Grandpa the new wreath they made with Grandma. t I admit it gives me the thrill to see her take the finger of Grandpa Barry or her cousin, Avree, to show them our creation. Not all of our endeavors are praiseworthy, but so what; it’s the togetherness that matters and the memories it builds. Hopefully, someday Lily will be making these memories with her kids.


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